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API Reference


To view our APIs in detail, you can view our API Reference.

This includes several sections.

Screenshot of the API Reference

Section / Button


Left side section SELECT PRODUCT

There you can select the APIs of the different finAPI products.

Left side section API VERSION

This item is only present if different API versions exist. It allows to switch between the versions.

Left side link Download OpenAPI file

If you click this link, you can download the latest OpenAPI specification.
You can also use a code generator with the help of the specification if you do not want to commit the API code statically.

Left side button Download SDK

This button opens a dialog that lets you select the target language.
finAPI uses a slightly adapted version of the OpenAPI generator for this.

Left side button OAUTH

You can use this button to authenticate yourself in a dialog.

For this purpose, client credentials are required, which you can request here.
After that you can also try out endpoints in the API reference itself.

Left side input field QUICK AUTH

The QUICK AUTH is a way to insert an existing access_token, click on the > button and test endpoints in the API reference.

If, for example, a problem occurs during the development of the client, the request and the response can be tested and checked again here.

Left side input field Filter

This makes it possible to search for an endpoint. The result is then filtered in the OPERATIONS section.

Left side section OPERATIONS

Below that, all endpoints are displayed.

Endpoints are grouped under different tags to give them context. These tags are the headings written in bold.
The links below them are the respective endpoints.

Right section REQUEST

Under the REQUEST section are options such as viewing a sample JSON or the specification of the body.

Right side tab button REQUEST BODY

The request body is a representation of a JSON that is sent to the server. This can be manipulated so that the data matches the current request.
In addition, there are endpoints where several different possibilities exist. These can be selected via a small drop-down menu.

Right side tab button SCHEMA

Next to the tab button REQUEST BODY there is a button SCHEMA. If you click on it, you will get an overview of all fields, including data types, mandatory fields and descriptions.

Right side button RESET

Resets the currently customized request back to its original state.

Right side button CLEAR

Empties the input field.

Right side button TRY

Executes the current request. The result is displayed under RESPONSE.

Right section RESPONSE

Under the RESPONSE section are the possible response codes as buttons. If you click on one of these buttons, an example JSON is displayed, how an answer could look like.
This view contains again 2 tabs, once the answer as JSON and under SCHEMA the specification.

Right side widget"LOCK"

For authorized API endpoints:

hover over the "lock" symbol to understand the required scopes.

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