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Balance Check Use Cases


The Balance Check Report provides an overview if an amount is available on the imported account, or not.

Information you can get from this report:

  • Is the customer able to pay the required amount?

  • Does the customer have to use his overdraft limit for the payment?

The following use cases are examples to make them more “plastic”.

Retail companies

UC-01: Verification that the customer can afford a particular product


  • Retail Company

  • User


  • Retail company’s application

  • finAPI Data Intelligence

  • finAPI Process Controller

  • finAPI WebForm


  • Check the amount of money, the customer has on the bank account

  • Verify, if the customer can afford a particular product


  • User has opened the Bank's online loan application


  • Import account data with finAPI WebForm or finAPI OpenBanking Access

  • Synchronize the account data to Data Intelligence for starting analysis

  • Execute a Check to get the result immediately


UC-02: Validate the specified equity


  • Bank

  • User


  • Bank's loan application

  • finAPI Data Intelligence

  • finAPI Process Controller

  • finAPI WebForm


  • Verify that the customer really has the amount of money indicated in the credit application on the account


  • User has opened the Bank's online loan application


  • Import account data with finAPI WebForm or finAPI OpenBanking Access

  • Synchronize the account data to Data Intelligence for starting analysis

  • Execute a Check to get the result immediately

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