Entertainment Aggregation
Discover what kind of entertainment is preferred and how much money is spent on it.
This aggregation is appropriate for B2C use cases.
The Entertainment Aggregation provides an overview of the entertainment spending of a customer.
Information you can get from this aggregation:
What kind of expenses does the customer have for Digital Media like TV Streaming, Music Streaming, Books, and Gaming
How much money does the customer spend on print media?
What other types of entertainment (like does the customer prefer?
The Entertainment Aggregation is based on the label ENTERTAINMENT
, and its further sub-labels with a higher level of detail.
The aggregation gives an overview of data such as the number of relevant transactions. How much money does the customer spend on entertainment? What kind of entertainment does he like?
What it solves
Due to the high number of different digital and non-digital leisure offers nowadays, it is difficult to keep an overview of what is used most. With the Entertainment Aggregation, not only spending on digital media and streaming is reported, but also spending on art exhibitions, sporting events, and other leisure activities. This allows preferences to be revealed and offers to be personalized.
An Entertainment Aggregation can be generated as an Aggregation with the following query:
"aggregations": [
"alias": "Entertainment",
"includeLabelGroup": [
"excludeLabelGroup": [