Tax Aggregation
Identify how much and what types of taxes were paid.
This aggregation is appropriate for B2B and B2C use cases.
The Tax Aggregation provides an overview of the current taxes of a customer.
Information you can get from this aggregation:
Which taxes were paid?
When were the taxes paid?
How much taxes were paid?
The Tax Aggregation is based on the label TAX
, and its further sub-labels with a higher level of detail.
The report gives an overview of data such as the number of relevant transactions. How much money does the customer spend on taxes? What kind of taxes does he have?
What it solves
The Tax aggregation provides valuable information about the client. How high is the tax burden? What types of taxes are paid and with what regularity? From this information, conclusions can be drawn about the professional and private situation. With the help of this report, it is possible to get a quick overview of the client's tax situation.
A Tax Aggregation can be generated as an Aggregation with the following query:
"aggregations": [
"alias": "Taxes",
"includeLabelGroup": [
"excludeLabelGroup": [