Travel Aggregation
Learn more about your client's travel habits.
This aggregation is appropriate for B2C use cases.
The Travel Aggregation provides an overview of the travel spending of a customer.
Information you can get from this report:
Which kind of transportation is used?
Does the customer have a travel insurance?
How often is the customer traveling?
The Travel Aggregation is based on the label TRAVEL
, and its further sub-labels with a higher level of detail.
The aggregation gives an overview of data such as the number of relevant transactions. How much money does the customer spend on traveling? What kind of travel is preferred?
What it solves
To get to know the customer better, it is necessary to know how he likes to travel. This is easily possible with the Travel Aggregation. Here, it is broken down how often he travels, which means of transport he prefers to use, whether he has travel insurance and much more.
A Travel Aggregation can be generated as an Aggregation with the following query:
"aggregations": [
"alias": "Travel",
"includeLabelGroup": [
"excludeGroup": [