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Risk Indicators Report

Risk Indicators report is aimed to summarize risk transactions for the following categories:

  • Chargebacks subreport is aimed at returning only the labeled transactions related to the user’s returned charges. The report detects chargebacks transactions that are split into:

    • CHARGEBACKS_ACTIVE - actual chargebacks transactions of the account

    • CHARGEBACKS_PASSIVE - chargebacks transactions for 3rd parties, like customers

    • CHARGEBACKS_OBJECTION_INCOME - an objection against the validity of a chargeback

    • CHARGEBACKS_OBJECTION_SPENDING - for a company: an objection against the validity of a chargeback of the 3rd parties, like customers against the company

    • CHARGEBACKS - transactions in which withdrawals or deposits that have already been made, are reversed, and that cannot be added in one of the others more specific categories

    • CHARGEBACK_FEE - transactions that do not have enough information to be considered in the other categories

  • Debt Collection subreport is aimed at returning only the labeled transactions related to debt repayment.

  • Gambling subreport is aimed at returning only the labeled transactions that signify the gaming and gambling-related expenditures.

  • Seizure subreport is aimed at returning only the labeled transactions that signify seizure. The report detects seizure transactions that are split into:

    • SEIZURE_ACTIVE - actual seizure transactions of the account

    • SEIZURE_SALARY - salary transactions from which the amount was already seized; the extracted seized amount is used for the calculations

    • SEIZURE_PASSIVE - seizure transactions for 3rd parties, like employees

  • Credit Limit subreport is aimed at returning only the labeled transactions related to overdraft interest repayment.

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