Testing Data
In order to test Data Intelligence, client credentials are required.
These can be requested comfortably via this link.
In case you want to test all the Data Intelligence reports and see the related data inside each of them, use the bank connections (data sources) with the following banks / IBANs and user credentials.
Test Banks & Users
BankId | IBAN | User Credentials | Description |
280001 | DE77533700080111111100 | ID: Data Intelligence PIN: Analysis |
280002 | DE85533700080333333300 |
| |
280024 | DE82 4815 1623 0000 0044 35 | Christina Schneider - PRIVATE PERSON (Mockbank user)Username: cschneider Password: cschneider TAN: 123456 |
280024 | DE28 4815 1623 0000 0044 37 | Oliver Weber - PRIVATE PERSON (Mockbank user)Username: oweber Password: oweber TAN: 123456 |
280024 | DE98 4815 1623 0000 0044 38 | Stark Industries - COMPANY (Mockbank user)Username: sindustries Password: sindustries TAN: 123456 |
280024 | DE44 4815 1623 0000 0044 40 | Lexcorp - COMPANY (Mockbank user)Username: lexcorp Password: lexcorp TAN: 123456 |
280024 | DE25 4815 1623 0000 0044 91 | Stefan Wagner - PRIVATE PERSON (Mockbank user)Username: swagner Passwort: swagner TAN: 123456 |
To test the Schufa Credit Check report, please contact the customer support team.