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Top List Check Use Cases


The TopList Check Report provides an overview of the top X money transfers of a customer.

Information you can get from this report:

  • Highest/lowest expenses per counterparty, label, or label group

  • Transfers between a company and its top X customers and/or top X suppliers

  • Highest/lowest money transfers

The following use cases are examples to make them more “plastic”.


UC-01: Own cashflow analysis


  • Bank

  • User


  • Bank’s loan application

  • finAPI Data Intelligence

  • finAPI Process Controller

  • finAPI WebForm


  • Verification of top expenses per category, label or label group

  • Create your own cashflow analysis based on this data


  • User has opened the Bank's online loan application


  • Import account data with finAPI WebForm or finAPI OpenBanking Access

  • Synchronize the account data to Data Intelligence for starting analysis

  • Execute a Check to get the result immediately

UC-02: Risk and dependency assessment for credit application


  • Bank

  • User


  • Bank’s loan application

  • finAPI Data Intelligence

  • finAPI Process Controller

  • finAPI WebForm


  • Analysis of top suppliers or top customers

  • Recognizing dependencies and the associated risks

  • Risk assessment for lending based on these findings


  • User has opened the Bank's online loan application


  • Import account data with finAPI WebForm or finAPI OpenBanking Access

  • Synchronize the account data to Data Intelligence for starting analysis

  • Execute a Check to get the result immediately

Insurances / Banks

UC-01: Cutomized offers for customers


  • Bank

  • User


  • Bank’s loan application

  • finAPI Data Intelligence

  • finAPI Process Controller

  • finAPI WebForm


  • Determine which labels are interesting for you (For example Insurance, Children, Mobility and Travel)

  • Decide in which the expenses for these labels should be considered

  • Get all the information you need and advise the customer fully and customized


  • User has opened the Bank's online loan application


  • Import account data with finAPI WebForm or finAPI OpenBanking Access

  • Synchronize the account data to Data Intelligence for starting analysis

  • Execute a Check to get the result immediately

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