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Czech Republic Domestic Transfers

The same payment endpoints can be used for initiating Czech Republic domestic transfers as SEPA transfers, except there are some differences in the transfer payload.

It is possible to initiate a CZ domestic transfer by providing only the following data:

  • IBAN/accountId of the sender account;

  • IBAN of the recipient account (CZ-based IBANs only);

  • amount and currency (CZK)

POST /api/webForms/paymentWithAccountId

  "sender": {
    "accountId": 42
  "orders": [
      "amount": {
        "value": 100,
        "currency": "CZK"
      "recipient": {
        "iban": "CZ6650514376917266931472"

Additionally, it is possible to submit remittance information with the transfer. Both unstructured and structured remittance information is supported.

Example with the (additional and optional) remittance information:

POST /api/webForms/paymentWithAccountId

  "sender": {
    "accountId": 42
  "orders": [
      "amount": {
        "value": 100,
        "currency": "CZK"
      "recipient": {
        "iban": "CZ6650514376917266931472"
      "purpose": "Unstrustured remittance information goes here",
      "structuredRemittanceInformation": [

structuredRemittanceInformation, when provided, should carry remittance information in a specific format with the variable symbol (VS), constant symbol (KS), and specific symbol (SS). All 3 are optional.

Please note, that you can also submit VS, KS, and SS values in an unstructured way inside the purpose attribute, however, it may make it difficult for the recipient to automatically parse these values.

endToEndId and counterpartName will be disregarded and not submitted to the bank for the CZ domestic transfers as these attributes are not part of the payment schema.

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