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Flicker Code Template

The purpose of this article is to help licensed customers to implement a flicker code animation in their applications.

Some banks offer their users a second-factor authentication with the optical chipTAN procedure (flicker code).

If you are not using the finAPI Web Form in your application, you will have to display a flicker code animation that you can show to your users. This applies to all flows where user authentication is required (e.g. import of a bank connection, or payment initiation).

To help you with this, we have implemented a JavaScript template that you can use. As input, the script takes two parameters:

  1. the BASE-64 String that you receive from finAPI in the opticalData field, which contains the flicker code data.

  2. a boolean flag that the script requires to determine how to process the data. This flag is provided by finAPI in the opticalDataAsReinerSct field.

You can download the script here:

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