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How to import certain Credit Cards or Securities (such as ADAC, Amazon or Miles&More)?

Please use the following banks for importing the listed credit cards or security accounts into finAPI:

Credit cards

  • ADAC Kreditkarte: BLZ 99959985 (Landesbank Berlin / Berliner Sparkasse)

  • VISA Karte: BLZ 99959994 (Landesbank Berlin / Berliner Sparkasse)

  • Tchibo / eBay / BahnCard / Tui Kreditkarte: BLZ 99959997 

  • Miles & More Kreditkarte: BLZ 99931401

  • Eurowings / / GMX / Amway / O2 Kreditkarten: BLZ 20130600 (Barclaycard Barclays Bank)

Security accounts

  • Union-Investment: BLZ 50060400 (DZ Bank)

  • maxblue Depots: BLZ 67070024 (Deutsche Bank Privat und Geschäftskunden)

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