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finAPI Test Bank Czech Republic

General information

The finAPI Test Bank Czech Republic is similar to other test banks, but it is tailored to simulate the bank in the Czech Republic. This test bank will be only available for the customers which have the Czech banks enabled. No communication to external banking systems occurs.

Bank Id

Please use 280165bankId for this test bank.

Note: you can always find the bankId when searching for a bank via Get and search all banks service.

Interfaces and capabilities

The bank supports the XS2A interface and has the REDIRECT_APPROACH property set.

It is possible to import a bank connection and initiate both Czech domestic as well as SEPA Money Transfers with this bank.

Accounts and Transactions

2 Checking Accounts are available for this test bank. One account has the CZK currency and another is in EUR.

New transactions will be generated for the test accounts on a daily basis.


The following credentials are required for accessing the test bank:

  • Onlinebanking-ID: demo

  • PIN: demo

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