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Introduction to DAC4Loan B2B

DAC, or Digital Account Check, is a convenient way to get a complete overview of an business customer's financial situation.

What it solves

In order to obtain a complete overview of the business customer's financial situation (for example, in the course of a loan application), many different checks have to be carried out up to now. To speed up this process there is DAC for Loan. With Dac for Loan information about Chargebacks, Gambling, Debt Collection, Seizure, Income, Rent and Living and Spending is collected and summarized in one report.
This collected information can be output in both JSON and PDF format to assist in the loan decision process.

Digital Account Check 4 Loan B2B (DAC4Loan B2B)


DAC for Loan provides an overview of data such as the number of relevant transactions, how many are incoming and how many are outgoing, what amounts are on each side, etc.

Other data includes the account information and the transactions used. This is very helpful if you want to check the values, for example, as part of a detailed credit check.


The PDF is intended to present the data from the JSON file in a clear and structured way.. The PDF is divided into the following sections:

  • Account(s) Information: Basic information on IBAN, BIC, bank, account type, account holder and type of account holder (business or private) are shown here.

  • Account(s) Overview: In the Account(s) Overview the Account Balance, days included in the report, the date of the first transaction for the account and the total income and total spending are shown

  • Summarized Account Balance Movements: In this section the account balance as well as the minimum, maximum and average amount of money are displayed graphically.

  • Cashflow Overview: The various incomes and expenses are broken down and presented in a table in this section.

  • Income vs. Spending: In Income vs. Spending the relationship between income and expenditure is shown graphically and key figures are displayed.

  • Risk Overview: In this section, we provide an overview of the customer's risks by examining transactions associated with Chargebacks, Debt Collection, Seizure, and Overdraft Interest. Only transactions that represent a risk for the analyzed account are listed in the risk overview. Therefore, only transactions labeled CHARGEBACKS_ACTIVE (actual chargeback transactions of the account) are shown under Chargebacks, and those labeled SEIZURE_ACTIVE (the seizure involves the analyzed account) are listed under Seizure.

Used data fields

Transactions of the customer are used for this purpose. This includes data like IBAN, account holder name, counterpart name, purpose, amount, and so on.

The reports response itself contains multiple reports and is divided into the following sections.

Main Section

The main parts of the reports can be found at:

  • $.reports.chargebacks and the type will be CHARGEBACKS

  • $.reports.debtCollection and the type will be DEBTCOLLECTION

  • $.reports.seizure and the type will be SEIZURE

  • $.reports.income and the type will be INCOME

  • $.reports.spending and the type will be SPENDING

  • $.reports.creditLimit and the type will be CREDIT_LIMIT

  • $.reports.balances and the type will be BALANCES

For more information on the data used, please refer to the respective reports:

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